by: Playing Grounded
post image: Red Dragonfly in Otaki by NOEYEBROW

No Artificial Ingredients

So what do we mean by no artificial ingredients? Since when does a jigsaw puzzle have artificial ingredients? That’s a good question. To better understand this rather absurd claim, let’s look at the absurd world we live in.

AI vs Human

When I was a kid, I remember watching “The Original” Planet of the Apes movies on Saturday afternoon TV. I wasn’t alone in this, because all my friends did too. So the next time we got outside to play with our pistols, rifles and Tommy guns, we had a whole new world to explore. Our backyards and neighborhood became post apocalyptic planets, and we became the fugitives of these hostile and unstable environments.

Funny thing though, even as we were make-believing about being chased by otherworldly mutants, we were cognizant enough to know the difference between the world we lived in and the fantasy worlds that we created.

I never would have imaged that I would be living in a world where people would prefer to live a virtual existence and use artificial intelligence over having real life experiences and using their own cognitive abilities. But yet, here we are, and it seems anything goes and all options are on the drafting table. Since the world of SMART technology has invaded our space we have only become less aware, less motivated and, as a result, less reliable.

If my opinion was worth more than two cents, I’m sure the vast majority would feel I’m being over paid. But I’ll share it regardless. In the next ten years, machines will create their own reality, apart from our reality, and we will give them the keys to our existence every step of the way. Why? Because it’s easier to have someone or, in this case, something think for us, than to figure things out for ourselves.

The people who created this technology knew this when they developed it, the problem is they didn’t care what the end results would be. You can just as easily progress down a garden road as off a cliff. Both are progress, but both have distinctly different outcomes.

So that’s my two cents worth of opinion.

Playing Grounded® offers you puzzle art with no artificial ingredients. Nothing but raw, organic, human, artistic talent and creativity. Come see for yourself. AI may be here to stay, but nothing says we have to choose it!

#2. What do we look for when choosing art for our puzzles?