by: Playing Grounded

Look Hoos Home

Time seemed to flow by quickly, and the minutes turned to hours. Goldi-chan, coming out of her focused fixation with the puzzle, became completely conscious of the methodic ticking on the wall above the entryway to the kitchen. “Jumping Jiggers! It’s almost 11:30!” she exclaimed. “I’d better get home. Mama will be calling me for lunch, and she’ll get worried if I don’t turn up.”

Goldi-chan got up quickly without undoing her damage and, only taking a brief moment to notice the owl’s lovely kitchen, proceeded out the backdoor. From there she got a spectacular view of the forest foliage and the wide-open countryside that lay beyond the woods. She could see the large white-painted barn of a neighboring farm not far off in the distance. Goldi-chan then plotted her course from that point, carefully climbed down the great oak and safely found her way home, just in time for lunch.

It was just a little after midday when the owls returned to their roost. Breathing a sigh of relief, Mrs. Owl, clutching a wicker basket in her wings, exclaimed, “Thank goodness, it’s good to be home.”

“Yes, it certainly is,” said the rather large and impressive looking owl that flew up next to her, and pushed open the front door. There were two owlets in tow. The littlest one piped up as he fluttered his way inside, “I’m starving! When do we eat?”

“You’re always hungry,” said the elder of two owl children.

“We’ll eat in good time. Now you two, go preen your feathers while I prepare supper,” their matronly mother commanded.

“Ahem…I have some work to do in the study,” said the wise Archimedes.

“Oh no you don’t Mr. Owl. You go clean those talons of yours. They’re a fright, and I will not have bits of fur flying around my dinner table!”

Part 5: Goldi-chan and the Three Puzzles